Join CTMH Club

Do you want to invest in quality CTMH materials and earn FREE product without hosting a gathering?  Do you desire to get materials but must stay within a set budget?


--CTMH Club is a 11 month commitment (we take December off) of ordering a minimum of $15 in product each month.  We meet on a monthly basis (the third Thursday or Saturday of the month) to create scrapbooking layouts and/or cards.  Thursday club meets at my church--County Christian in Scotts, MI (plenty of room) and Saturdays club meets at my house (limited seating).

One month in that year commitment, you will be the Hostess of the Month (that does not mean you have to have a party---you just earn the rewards from that months sales from members and any other orders you bring in)  You will earn at least $25 in FREE Close To My Heart product.

If there are months you cannot make our crafting club night, that is fine.  You just need to place your order with me for that month.

New members are always welcome and encouraged.  You are rewarded for bringing in new members.  If you bring in a new member, you will receive a free stamp "B" set or paper pack after that new members 3rd purchase.  Guests are welcome to attend but need to rsvp so that I am prepared--fee for non-members is $10.00

At each meeting, I will have samples displayed of next months scrapbook layout and card designs.
This will be helpful for you in knowing what to order for the following month.  You are not required to purchase that month's layout but if you do, that price goes toward your minimum purchase of $15

--one month of being hostess earning at least $25 in FREE product but most hostess average $40 FREE product plus a half-priced item of choice in the catalog!
--FREE Idea Books before other customers
--free stamp set of choice for joining
--stamp of the month for FREE during your hostess month
--at the end of the club you will receive a mini stamp set as a THANK YOU for participating!

I AM CURRENTLY WANTING TO START A NEW CLUB EITHER IN THE BATTLE CREEK AREA OR KALAMAZOO AREA---so if you can gather 6-8 women who would be interested and have a location, contact me.  

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